Want to sell a template on MUI Store? Our platform is an amazing way to grow your business or start a new one!
1. Author application
First, we need to know a little bit about you! Please send us an email to store@mui.com with the subject line "Applying to be an author" and include all of the following:
- Examples of design work. If you weren't the designer for the above code examples, we'd love to see examples of your design work (or, if you plan on working with a designer, examples of their work). Again, these can be links to live projects, portfolio links, or whatever helps us understand your design experience.
What item do you want to sell on our platform?
- If you want to design and build a new template, send us a proposal of what you want to build. We prefer an initial set of designs (even if they are rough) or a coded example.
But we are open to discussing a concept that hasn't gone through design just yet. - If you have an existing template you want to sell, send us a link to download it and explain why you think it fits on our platform.
- If you want to design and build a new template, send us a proposal of what you want to build. We prefer an initial set of designs (even if they are rough) or a coded example.
- Examples of your MUI code. Ideally, we'd love to see the source behind a couple of projects you're proud of using one of the MUI's open-source projects (Base UI, Material UI, Pigment CSS, MUI X, etc.). Feel free to send us .zip files, GitHub repository links, etc. whatever is the easiest way for you to share your source code.
- A summary of your MUI experience. We want to know what you've built using MUI's open-source projects! Please give us a little context for each project and include links. We're happy to check out both public and private examples – your shared links won't ever be shared beyond our review team.
Where we can find you on the web!
- Your personal/company website
- Profiles on other sites where you sell digital goods
- Dribbble/Behance/GitHub profile links to check out relevant work
- Other relevant work you'd like to share. This is an open-ended place to share additional work with us that wasn't covered in our other questions. Perhaps you have some non-MUI project you're particularly proud of – show it to us! Anything that shows off your relevant skills!
We'll review your application. Hopefully, we will approve you as a author: meaning that we envision a potential to collaborate on a new item.
2. Preliminary item approval
The second step in the process is to validate the initial direction taken with the item. We need to validate:
- The initial pitch with the new item. What's the gap in the market that this new item is going to fill? Effectively, why would it sell over one of the existing items? Without a clear understanding of the market, it might not make sense to move forward.
- The initial design direction. Please send us all the high-fidelity pages that you have designed. We will provide feedback on them.
- The initial code direction. What we recommend is that once the pitch and design direction are approved, build a small number of pages and send them to us to get early feedback.
3. Final review
The final review phase is about ensuring that we have all the necessary ingredients for a successful product. We need:
- to validate the final version of the item: What does a great template look like?
- to validate the name of the new item: How should I name my item?
- to validate the item's page: What are the guidelines for the item's page?
4. Putting the item online
With a final approval on the new item (step 3), we can work on putting it live.
If it's the first item that you are publishing on the store, we first need to get you set up as a author:
- You need to send us an account admin email.
- You need to tell us the author's name you would like to use.
- You need to sign the author agreement.
- You need to send us an email or URL from which you will provide support.
- We need to invite you to access our Slack workspace.
- We need to create you a author account in the store.
Lastly, we need to put the item live:
- You need to tell us how you want to distribute the item, in exclusivity or not.
- You need to send us all the materials from step 3.
- We need to put the item live.
- You can start earning money!
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