Customers may, on occasion, request a refund for an item they purchased. We'll mostly leave it up to you (the author of the item) to decide to grant one or not. In any case, a refund has to be granted if it matches one of the criteria of the refund policy of the store.
If you do wish to give a full or partial refund process as follows:
- Login to your dashboard
- Go to the order detail
- Click on "Request Refund"
- Fill in the amount you want to refund
- Click on the confirmation button: "Submit Refund Request x".
We will handle the refund request in a timely manner.
You can leave a private note so you don't forget why a refund request was done, you could also add private information you only want to share with us.
⚠️ The "Reason for refund" input content is shared with the customer.
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